Interviews and Features
“Put your whole pussy into it! (If I can't say that, please replace pussy with heart) I think that hiding yourself from people who want to hire you is the most damaging thing you can do to your business. When your industry deals with vulnerability, you need folks to put their trust in you.”
“DO IT. And DO IT FOR YOURSELF AND NO ONE ELSE. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. Truly, when there are other women that tell me they want to open their shops but they're scared, I want to shake them and say YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.”
“If you notice something that needs fixing in the community, go find the black woman that has been working on the solution for years, and offer to lend a hand.”
“Never stop fighting for yourself. Also, join WIFM and be inspired and empowered by the powerhouse women in this organization.”
“Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. And don’t accommodate. Use your voice and share your ideas and don’t immediately fold when someone in a position of power tells you you’re wrong or rejects your idea. At the same time, be open to learning from your mistakes.”
“Organizing is a project of hope, of making the impossible, possible. If you can imagine it, you can organize to win it. Be radical in your imagination, and go build the relationships you need to imagine something even bigger.”
“Help other women. That's it for me: lift up other females who are trying to make it in this industry. Cheer each other on– and never tear each other down. We all benefit from a rising tide.”
“There is room for everyone’s success, (including your own!), and the more we remind ourselves that not everything is meant for us, the more time & appreciation we have for the things that are.”
“Your intuition is your most powerful guide and it won't lead you astray, even if it feels wild or unrelated.”
“Never stop learning, build a community with people who will encourage you but hold you accountable, give yourself space to freely create, and believe in your unique voice as an artist.”
“When you move up, help lift up the others around you along the way. We all need each other, and individual success is less meaningful without collective success. If you find yourself with access to power, ask yourself how you got there and how you can make sure other people get there, too.”
“Success doesn't come to those who wait in the sidelines. Take risks. Ask for that promotion. Take on more responsibility. Speak out. Get uncomfortable.”
“The rules are off the table. Do whatever you want to do because taking the risk gets you closer than not taking the risk. When you surround yourself with like-minded women and like-minded opportunities, your success rate goes up.”
“I can create the change I want in the world with something that is aligned with my assets and values. I haven't ever been in a position where those aligned before, but it is 100% possible for me, which means I know it's 100% possible for others.”
“Don't let the fear of failure stand in your way, just open the door, even when it's scary, and walk through it confidently. And if it shuts, that's ok, another one always opens.”
“If you are thinking about getting involved more in politics, please do. If you are thinking about running for something someday, we know women, especially women of color, have to be asked multiple times before they decide to run. I was asked before I decided to run. Consider this your first ask. We need you.”
“Pull from every part of who you are to create something unique and beautiful. There can be so much meaning and beauty in our daily habits that actually can make a difference in the world.”
“I’m so grateful that I get to tell the stories that make up the fiber of our community. I know that every day, whatever I do, matters.”
“I think [volunteering] also taught me that I’m more capable than I give myself credit for as far as organizing, planning and leading.”
“It was a long road to embracing my hair and that’s one of the reasons I specialize in curly hair. I want to help the next little girl love and embrace her naturalness, especially my daughter.”
“This is what I am good at, what I love to do, the path I choose, and there is only room to grow ahead of me and hone in on my craft. I have more stories to tell, and I shall do just that.”
“Find something that you love to do and do it. But you don't have to turn everything you love into a job. Find a thing that's just yours.”
“Only when I started making what I loved, what I would actually wear, did I start to have real joy in creating, and saw the most success in selling too!”
This was just the beginning of our A Real Nice Lady collaborations and we can’t wait to keep them coming.
“My favorite part of this industry is the supportive community of (mostly) women that I have connected with.”