Interview: Lauren Oliver of KCUR Generation Listen Leadership Council

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We like to take time to highlight women we see out in the world doing their part to make the world a little nicer. In this Real Nice Lady Spotlight, we’re talking to Lauren Oliver, of KCUR Generation Listen Leadership Council, about creating a community around public radio. 

KCUR Generation Listen Leadership Council

Favorite Drink?
Shortly before quarantine, I went to Mug’s Up in Independence and had a quart sized root beer float that I’ve been dreaming about for months. 
If we’re talking about something with a kick, I’d say a Paloma. It took me a while to come around to it, but now I am firmly in the pro-Grapefruit camp. 

Favorite Food?
I love French fries… but honestly who doesn’t. Potatoes in any form are delicious really. I also love Tiramisu. The flavors, the different textures… it really is the best dessert ever created.

Karaoke Song?
I f*cking hate karaoke but I’d sing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell (both parts!) if it was a matter of life and death.

What song are you listening to on repeat right now?
“Excellent” by Princess Nokia

Female icon you would be for Halloween?
Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek

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Telling as little or as much as you want, how are you feeling these days? 
The past three months have been unpredictable and chaotic. I’m not sure if I am allowed to break the fourth wall, but when we first spoke, it was the beginning of March. 

My cousin Isaiah had just passed and we were in the planning stages of planning his memorial. The week before the funeral was to take place, we went into quarantine. Not being able to grieve with your loved ones is not ideal. The worldwide protests in response to the murder of George Floyd began the week of my trip to the studio. 

So much has happened since you first posed this question yet I still have the same answer: Grief. Grief for the loss of someone I loved as a brother. Grief for the countless victims of COVID-19, racism, and police brutality and grief for the loss of our lives as we knew them before the pandemic. In some ways I guess I want to be grateful because everyone was stuck in the infinite present. Unable to look forward to the future yet still trying to live in the past as if nothing has changed. It’s easy to grieve when it feels like the world has stopped with you. 

Where are you finding comfort these days?Food and family. I had the best meal ever at Farina a couple of weeks ago with my parents. I usually drive to their house once a week and hang out with them. We went to Farina for my Mom’s birthday a couple of weeks ago. I had the carbonara. It was divine. How can something so simple be so luxurious? I’d eat it for every meal if I could. I’m thankful for the fleeting moments where I can forget about the rest of it, even if it’s for an hour or two.

What part(s) of your life during the pandemic (and 2020 in general) have made you rethink your "normal" life?Well… everything to be honest. This has affected every aspect of our daily lives. 

What first attracted you to your current volunteer work? 
I started volunteering for KCUR when I was 12 when I would tag along with my Dad. I answered phones. I remember getting excited about the free catering provided to the volunteers (still my favorite part if I'm being totally honest). It was easy and I knew it was important to the station so I started asking my Dad if I could go with him during every pledge drive. 

What about your experience with volunteer work has kept you in it?
The people. 

Why do you think others should support/donate to public radio?I think it’s important because it’s another source of information and news. It’s our civic duty to be informed and KCUR does a lot to empower our community. I also enjoy volunteering and think it's an amazing thing to do. I don’t know, I just feel empowered after I volunteer, for anything. I think it’s important. I think it’s good for your soul. If you get some other personal enjoyment from it, that’s fine too.

What have you learned about yourself through volunteering and working so closely with your community?I have lived in Kansas City for most of my life and I feel there’s more to discover. I’m always learning something new, a fun fact or a cool dive. I think it’s also taught me that I’m more capable than I give myself credit for as far as organizing, planning and leading. 

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What is your favorite thing about your industry? Your least favorite?
I like volunteering and being involved with GenListen and the young listeners initiative because it connected me with so many wonderful people and we are all committed to a more civically responsible and inclusive Kansas City. Before the pandemic there were many different events we’d host from concerts, civic panels, to podcast parties. There are all great opportunities to meet other people and experience different aspects of KC culture. 

What do you think makes Kansas City so unique? What do you think Kansas City needs to work on?
The neighborhoods. I feel like each one has its own distinct personality. 

Kansas City is a very segregated city and we have quite a ways to go before we are truly integrated.

What neighborhood is your favorite in Kansas City?
The Crossroads. My friend Ferrell is a florist and her shop is there, The Cottage Rose. Amazing, high quality restaurants like The Rieger, Farina, Corvino and it’s incredibly walkable. My favorite quarantine activity has been picnics at Liberty Memorial, with the view overlooking the KC skyline.

What do you want for the future of GenListen?
I want us to continue growing our young listener group and connecting ALL walks of life. We also have to come up with ways to gather and be a community without being with each other physically.

When do you feel the strongest in your life? When do you feel the most vulnerable in your life?
I always feel vulnerable, to be honest. I've just gotten better at hiding it.

Given the state of the world, what have you been doing to maintain your mental health lately

Who are five women that inspire you?My mother
Katherine Johnson
Megan Thee Stallion
Shirley Chisholm